Unlock the secrets to getting more clients & turn your coaching business into a money-making machine.


Teach me how to get more clients đŸ€©

Does this sound like you?


You started your coaching business with hopes & dreams of impacting lives & creating financial abundance for your family, but right now...


  • You’re struggling to get coaching clients no matter how hard you try...
  • That savings account you built for a "rainy day" is dwindling & you're starting to panic...
  • It feels like pulling teeth to even get people to ENGAGE with your account (let alone pay you)...
  • If you had a dollar for every time you heard “I can’t afford it” on a sales call you might actually have enough cash to pay off your high interest credit cards...
  • You’re starting to wonder if your coaching business is going to make it after all 😔

“Just look at Camie’s stuff. Do what she says. She changed everything for me & I 100% trust her”.

 - Kristen Noriega, Powerhouse Client Who Saw a 9.9X Return on Her Investment Within A Year

Does it sound like I’m reading your mind yet?! 

That’s because just a few years ago, I was in the exact place you are now.

  • Overwhelmed by the lack of results in my business.
  • Confused on what the “right” strategies were to get more clients.
  • & most all, being utterly & entirely #BROKE
(Seriously though - my sweet husband used to stand in the isle of the grocery store & calculate which carton of eggs were the cheapest per dozen đŸ„ș)
But now, after extensive research & experimentation within my own business, I’ve finally cracked the code to getting more coaching clients & GUARANTEEING cash flow in my bank account every.single.month.

I've spent years of investigating the best possible business + sales tactics in the online coaching space, I’ve identified the top 6 roadblocks online coaches are facing today that are keeping them from having a financially successful business...

(1) A self-sabotaging mindset that destroys any possible success you could have, even before you get started.

(2) Not identifying a clear, big, & painful problem that you can solve for your clients (aka - finding the RIGHT market to build your business in).

(3) Having an average & underwhelming coaching offer that blends in with the rest of your niche (this is leaving you vulnerable to being price shopped).

(4) Not having a proven-effective marketing strategy in place to attract ideal clients every.single.week.

(5) Using a hot-mess sales strategy that leaves you feeling discouraged & disappointed after yet ANOTHER sales call falls through.

(5) Having absolutely NO CLUE how to negotiate through client objections like: “I can’t afford it,” “My husband said no,” “Now isn’t a good time,” or just flat out being GHOSTED after pitching your offer.

Feeling exposed??

Don't worry, keep reading.
Everything is about to change for you 

Like I said - after examining the data in my lab (aka - my home office with my 2 sidekicks → my pups, Memphis & Baker đŸ¶đŸ¶)

I FINALLY unlocked the secret to turning ANY coaching business into a money making machine (including yours 💾)


& I proved these strategies to work by closing over a quarter of a million dollars in my own business.


With a teeny tiny Instagram audience I might add.


Pssst! It's true what they say, you don't need a lot of followers to make a lot of money on Instagram #ChaChing đŸ€‘


Solving the mysterious formula to building a successful coaching business wasn’t easy
but now that I know the secret ingredients, I want to share it with as many coaches as possible.

That’s why I created my signature program.

A 6 month evergreen group coaching program teaching you how to get more clients & turn your coaching business into a money-making machine by rewiring your brain for success, mastering high-ticket sales, & negotiating like a pro.



High-Ticket Powerhouse has 3 main objectives, let me break them down for you:
Objective #1:

Rewiring your brain for success so you can stop self-sabotaging your results & ACTUALLY reach new levels in your coaching biz.

Objective #2:

Implementing a proven-to-work marketing + sales strategy that attracts + converts high-paying clients.

Objective #3:

Overcoming client objections & sealing the deal with razor sharp negotiation tactics from the FBI.

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What you’ll be learning + implementing each month:

  • Applying neuroscience techniques to override negative mindset blocks that are keeping you stuck.
  • Positioning yourself to sell high-ticket by refining your niche to solve a big, painful, & in-demand problem.
  • Refining your signature framework as the step-by-step recipe your clients will be following inside your program.
  • Creating a high-ticket 1:1 coaching program that will have your ideal client’s mouth watering.
  • Building out your visual presentation pitch that is designed to get your ideal client to say “YES” to invest! (even if it is a multiple 4 figure price tag).
  • Running you through a mock sales call where you get to PRACTICE your new high-ticket pitching style & we review it like game film as a group.
  • Privately inviting your hottest leads to have first dibs to work with you inside of your new sizzling offer (Psst! You DON’T need to wait 6 months to make money in this program).
  • Performing an in-depth audit on your Instagram profile because people will decide *within 7 seconds* of landing on your profile whether or not to hit that “follow” button.
  • Making your Instagram stories + grid come to LIFE & skyrocket your engagement to increase lead generation.
  • Receive 200 juicy Instagram content prompts *specifically tailored to your niche* to give your content the face-lift it needs.
  • Supercharge your lead generation by implementing a *NON-SLEAZY DM strategy* (& no, you won’t be sending “hey girl” messages or cold-pitching).
  • We’re diving DEEP into your new high-ticket sales strategy so that you’re booking AT LEAST 2 calls per week with new potential clients.
      Psst! If you’re wondering why there’s only 1 bullet point in month 4, it’s because for that month, the only thing you’re focussed on is sharpening your sales skill that will bring you MONEY, HONEY.
  • Prepare to negotiate like a pro
 literally. You’ll be learning negotiation tactics used by the FBI to overcome any objection a potential client throws your way & SEAL THAT DEAL.
  • The grand finale - It’s time to explode your lead generation by creating + launching a SPARKLY new freebie that magnetizes your ideal client & injects even more cash flow into your bank account.
  • SPECIAL BONUS - You’ll be set up with a proven-effective Instagram growth system to *automatically* engage with up to 30,000 Instagram accounts DAILY (created by Instagram expert, Zac Baker, who has grown 1 Instagram account to 250K followers & another to nearly 90K followers).
  • Learn how to calculate your customized KPIs so you know *exactly what to do each week in your business to keep the momentum going even after your time in Powerhouse is finished.

Everything you get when you join

High-Ticket Powerhouse:

  • 40+ Pre-Recorded Video Trainings Walking You Step-By-Step Through How to Get More Clients & Earn CONSISTENT $5K - $10K Months In Your Business.
  • Live Weekly Group Business Support Calls to Answer All Your Questions As You Move Through the Course Modules.
  • Next Level Accountability to Help You Stay on Track in the Program & Continue Implementing the Material.
  • The Student Slack Channel For Support + Answers to Your Business Questions, Monday - Friday.
  • Copies of all the sales scripts, lead spreadsheets, & other marketing + sales material to use in your biz.

& let’s not forget
 the BONUSES: đŸ€©

★ Bonus #1:

1 Month of Instagram Growth Services Designed to Automatically Engage With Up to 30,000 Potential Leads Daily. Want to know how I *regularly* wake up to 10+ DMs + new targeted followers, even with a small audience? This is how.

★ Bonus #2:

200 Pieces of Content Prompts Specially Tailored to Your Niche So That You Have Tons of Content Ideas in Your Back Pocket. Say goodbye to wondering what to post every week & staring at a blank page for HOURS, trying to come up with content. We got you covered.

★ Bonus #3:

(2) Powerhouse Co-Working Sessions per month. Support is NEVER lacking in High-Ticket Powerhouse. Come, hangout, ask questions, get support, & work alongside your colleagues in the coaching space. (think of it like the study hall you had in high-school!)

★ Bonus #4:

(2) Private 1:1 Coaching calls with Camie. 1 Onboarding call to get you set up for success right away in the program & 1 private coaching call to use with Camie anytime during the 6 month program. Need extensive 1:1 feedback on your offer, content, sales tactics, or literally ANYTHING else in your biz? We can make that happen.

★ Bonus #5:

OUR PROGRAM GUARANTEE (because I know you invested thousands into another program in the past with ZERO results & are hesitant to invest again

  • If you follow each step of the process, I guarantee you will close enough sales within 6 months of your start date to DOUBLE your investment ($13,980) & if you don't, I will continue to coach you for no extra cost until you do, provided that you continue to show up 100% & do the work.
Apply + Book Your Interview Call Here

Hear what ACTUAL Powerhouse Students have to say!âŹ‡ïž


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Frequently Asked Questions:

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So what’s it going to be?

Are you going to continue to try & duct-tape your business together, hoping that “someday” you’ll magically start getting more clients, even though the strategies you’re using right now are clearly already not working?

Or are you going to invest in your future success, become a POWERHOUSE coach, & turn your coaching business into the money-making machine it was always meant to be?

If you’re ready to trade in the life of desperate searching for clients & living paycheck-to-paycheck for the life of being an IN-DEMAND coach & financial abundance, then apply to High-Ticket Powerhouse by clicking the button below.

Let’s change your business (& your life), forever.



Apply + Book Your Interview Call Here