Are you ready to get more high-ticket coaching clients & increase your income so you can quit your 9-5 job & stay home with your kids?!

Yes!! I've been praying for this!

Jump in before the prices goes up by $400 on October 1st!









Get ready to have the business of your dreams āœØ

It’s time to start your successful coaching business, get more clients, & increase your income... all from home!
Learn how to:
āœ“Get more coaching clients
āœ“Increase your income in your business
āœ“Connect with ideal clients on Instagram
āœ“Get clear on your coaching niche
āœ“Run your coaching biz in less than 12 hours a week! (let me teach you how to make $$$ during your kids' naptime)
Having a profitable & sustainable online coaching business is going to be simpler than you think!
I'm ready for time & financial FREEDOM!!

Imagine if...

āœ“ You were able to discover & get clarity on your coaching niche
āœ“ You knew exactly how to connect with ideal clients, generate leads, sign more clients, & had a sales strategy in place to sell your coaching packages with ease (no icky, sleazy sales here!)
āœ“ You had unlimited vacation time to make memories with your kids that will last a lifetime
āœ“ You never had to miss a soccer game, piano recital, or classroom field trip because your business fits into your busy mom life
āœ“ You were no longer overwhelmed or confused on what to do to grow your business because had a step-by-step proven framework that showed you *exactly what to do everyday to move your business forward.
āœ“ You had the time & financial freedom you’ve been praying for because you learned how to make money from where you’re needed most: Home.

"Since connecting with Camie on Instagram and beginning her course, I finally have clear direction in my business. I’ve attempted to start my business in the past, and just felt so overwhelmed and without direction, so I gave up.

Camie’s course has helped me truly hear what the Lord has for me and the direction He is taking me in my business.

My heart is for service and love, so finding Camie’s faith-based teaching has provided me the genuine support I needed to get momentum. I am so thankful for this wealth of knowledge as I am just getting started in my business and cannot wait to see where the Lord takes me as I continue to implement each step in the process."

~ Katie | Newborn Care Coach

"I could not be more excited to be discussing my experience working with Camie! She provides so much kindness, insight, and extremely helpful feedback when it comes to building up one's coaching business.

Before working with her I didn't feel like I had really any direction or the right tools necessary to grow my business. In just a few short weeks that immediately changed, and Camie also opened up my eyes and ears so that I would be listening for the Lord's direction every step of the way.

I am so, so grateful for Camie's help and support. My business, and life, are forever changed for the better because of my choice to start working with Camie!"

~ Ariel | Women's Health & Fitness Coach

All The Tools You Need To Sign More Clients, Increase Your Income, & Grow Your Coaching Business!

Module 1

Laying the foundation

āœ“ Welcome video
āœ“ Slack channel
āœ“ Stewarding your time as a Proverbs 31 woman

I’ll show you how things work inside the Mom Boss Coaching Academy, where to receive support, feedback from me, accountability, & how to prepare your schedule to make sure your business doesn’t take time away from the Lord or your family.

Module 2

Ideal client clarity

āœ“ Getting vision for your biz
āœ“ Your God-given gifts
āœ“ Choosing your coaching niche
āœ“ Market research + knowing your ideal client

Having a successful coaching business starts with choosing a coaching niche & knowing exactly who your ideal client is. I'll teach you how to narrow down your coaching niche using your God-given gifts & how to fine-tune your messaging so it speaks right to your ideal client's heart.

Module 3

Your step-by-step solution

āœ“ Outlining your signature framework

It’s time to get clear your YOUR very own step-by-step framework so you can create a roadmap for your clients to transform. This will be the recipe you teach to your clients so they can reach their goals with you coaching them along the way!

Module 4

Offer creation

āœ“ Creating your 1:1 coaching offer

In order to make money, you have to know what you’re selling! I’ll teach you how to craft an irresistible 1:1 coaching offer + how to choose your pricing so that your ideal client WANTS to say “yes” to investing in working with you!


Module 5

Connecting with your ideal client

āœ“ Instagram audit
āœ“ Content to connect
āœ“ Content calendar
āœ“ DM strategy
āœ“ Lead gen tracker
āœ“ Instagram story tips

Time for a little Instagram makeover.

Module 5 is all about Instagram marketing & connecting with your ideal client using social media strategy & a little pop of color. With these trainings, you’ll learn how to generate leads for your business any day of the week!

Module 6

Building trust with your audience

āœ“ Creating your freebie
āœ“ Setting up back-end technology
āœ“ Launching your freebie

Module 6 is all about serving your client for free (yes, free), & building trust + authority with your audience BEFORE you start selling. Knowing the secrets of launching a successful freebie will help you generate MORE leads & sign MORE clients!

Module 7


āœ“ 6 ways to book more sales calls
āœ“ Get exclusive access to ALL of my sales call scripts
āœ“ How to sell a high-ticket coaching package without being icky, sleazy, or salesy

Old selling methods are worn out, overused, & off-putting to your ideal client. I'll teach you new + fresh ways to sign more clients & a simple 3 step sales strategy to sell your coaching packages with ease (& for top dollar!)

Bonus Module!

Other goodies!

āœ“ How to run your business in less than 12 hours per week
āœ“ Getting a professional contract

After learning how to build your profitable online coaching biz + sign more clients, I’ll teach you how to organize your work schedule so you know exactly what to do everyday to move your business forward in a SUSTAINABLE way (& in less than 12 hours per week!)

We’ll also talk about how to get an airtight contract to protect both you & your clients!

Time is the one thing we never get back, friend. Get started on signing more coaching clients & growing your biz TODAY!

Everything you get inside of the Mom Boss Coaching Academy:

āœ“ Lifetime access to all trainings, scripts, & systems inside mom boss coaching academy

āœ“ Invitation to join the Student Community Slack Channel with other women who are building coaching businesses alongside you!

āœ“ Templates of my freebie, IG story graphics, & sales presentation to use when you create yours!

āœ“ Feedback on your any assignments you complete throughout the coursework

āœ“ Access to my content calendar to plan out your content

āœ“ Access to the lead tracker I use for DM strategy

āœ“ Support + accountability from a faith-based business coach who cares about you, your business, your growth, & supporting you as you build the business God called you to! 

It's time to say “yes” to the assignment God has given you.

It would be my honor to help you start the business, impact others around the world, make money online, & stay home with your kids!

The Bible says faith without works is dead. Are you ready to put in the work with a heart full of faith?

Let's do this!
Hey friend, I’m Camie!

Daughter of the King, wife, soon-to-be mom, & online coach.

Growing up, I was never sure what I wanted to be, but I knew I wanted to be a mother. I wanted to recreate the same loving, intentional, & nurturing environment for my children that my mom created for me & my siblings.

I believe God has given a special anointing over mothers to raise the next generation for His glory. & in a broken world like this, we need mothers to stand up, to stake their claim over their home & over their children. Because no one is more qualified to raise your kids than you are, mama.

Mother Teresa has a quote I’ve always loved. It says: “If you want to change the world, go home & love your family.” Friend, God has given you gifts to share with the world through your coaching business, so that you can create impact while generating income from where you’re needed most: Home.

You were created to glorify the Lord, to love your husband, to raise your children, & to go out & teach others the skills + gifts God has given you.

You were made for all of it.

It’s time to say “yes” to the assignment God has given you, friend.

I’ll be there to support you & cheer you on along the way.

You were created for such a time as this.


I'm in!

"If you want to change the world, go home & love your family."
~ Mother Teresa


Everything you get inside of the Mom Boss Coaching Academy:

āœ“ Lifetime access to all trainings, scripts, & systems inside mom boss coaching academy

āœ“ Invitation to join the Student Community Slack Channel with other women who are building coaching businesses alongside you!

āœ“ Templates of my freebie, IG story graphics, & sales presentation to use when you create yours!

āœ“ Feedback on your any assignments you complete throughout the coursework

āœ“ Access to my content calendar to plan out your content

āœ“ Access to the lead tracker I use for DM strategy

āœ“ Support + accountability from a faith-based business coach who cares about you, your business, your growth, & supporting you as you build the business god called you to 

If you’re ready to say “yes” to the assignment God has given you, start the business, impact others around the world, make money online, & stay home with your kids, now is the time!

Price goes up by $400 in...













$199/month x3


Frequently Asked Questions!

& just in case you needed a little more proof that this can work for you too...

Jump in before the prices goes up by $400 on October 1st!









That dream you’ve had of starting a coaching business & working from home was put on your heart for a reason.
It wasn’t a mistake or a fluke idea.
You were made for this.
I want to help you sign more clients, increase your income, & make your dream coaching business a reality.
For you.
For your family.
For your future clients.
For His glory.
Are you ready?